Magalloway River Trail Review

A few weeks ago Sandy, Tanner, and I went for a ride and need up at the Magalloway River Trail about 8 miles outside of Errol, NH.  Since it’s not in Maine I will post about it on my own site instead of Maine Trail Finder.  Which by the way if you haven’t checked out my posts on their site, you should click that link after reading this one.

Ok back to the Magalloway River Trail.  This is an amazing place for anyone with a disability who wants to get out into the woods.  The description online says it is a .75  mile accessible trail. I did all 1.3 miles of trails and I can confirm it is all truly accessible. It starts on what looks like an old road. It has now grown in with grass but it is still hard-packed and easy to navigate with a wheelchair.

Enock on the grass covered road








We took the first left that we came to and ventured into the woods.  It was such an unbelievable surprise to see how well constructed the trail is.  The trail managers have utilized boardwalks in so many places, I lost count. The rest of the surface is completely flat and hard-packed with compacted stone. I was very easily able to traverse the entire trail system with no help at all.

Example of compacted stone surface Example of compacted stone surface Example of a boardwalk Example of trail conditions Enock sitting on a boardwalk in his wheelchair
















At the end of the first section, there is a building that we called the gazebo.  It’s not really haha.  It is a bit difficult to get into the building as the edge is not level with the ground and it’s uphill. It is a beautiful spot to view the water and wildlife.  We saw a fairly large bird that looked like either a hawk or eagle but we couldn’t tell.  It kept diving toward the water and really putting on a show. We also saw ducks. The big prize is the stunning scenery.  It makes the whole day worth it just to sit there and soak it all in.  It was so quiet and peaceful.  i think I might make this a frequent place to visit.

Marsh scenery from building at Magalloway river trail Picture of water grass and trees from building The Building at Magalloway RiverTrail Enock looking out at the scenery from the building

After leaving the building there is a right turn to continue back to the parking area. The trail meanders through the woods just like the first half and is just as accessible.  Eventually, it leads back to the grass-covered road,

I would highly recommend this outdoor experience to anyone with or without a disability. I could easily spend every weekend there if I didn’t have other trails to seek out and explore.  So stay tuned for more trail posts at Maine Trail Finder and here.  Don’t forget to take lots of pictures of your hikes to show the terrain, parking areas, and other needed information so we can all enjoy what this world has to offer.

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